Dredging Operations and

Environmental Research

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Peer Reviewed Journals and
Trade Magazine Articles

Manuscripts documenting the results of a sponsored research and development project and accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals or trade magazines.

Year Publication Document
2024 Wilkens, J. L., Calomeni-Eck, A. J., Boyda, J., Kennedy, A., and McQueen, A. D. 2024. Microplastic in Dredged Sediments: From Databases to Strategic Responses. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 112, 72. link
2024 Perkey, D. W., Smith, S. J., Fall, K. A., Tarpley, D. R. N., and Friedrichs, C. T. 2024. Production and abundance of macro-aggregate bed clasts from moderately consolidated cohesive beds and their implications for sediment management. Journal of Sedimentary Research 94 (1): 37–50. link
2023 Kennedy, A. J., Moore, D. W., Farrar, J. D., Lotufo, G. R., Suedel, B. C., Bailey, S. E., Schroeder, P. R. , Krupa, P. M., Rycroft, T. E., and May, T. C. 2023. Advances in dredged material evaluations for inland and ocean aquatic placement: Modernized processes and supportive tools. Technical Report ERDC TR-23-6. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. link
2023 Miller, J. A., McFall, B. C., and Suedel, B. C. 2023. Considering sediment beneficial use options at Lake Michigan harbors in Wisconsin. Technical Report ERDC TR-23-21. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. link
2022 Charbonneau, B. R., A. Duarte, T. M. Swannack, B. D. Johnson, C. D. Piercy. 2022. DOONIES: A process-based ecogeomorphological functional community model for coastal dune vegetation and landscape dynamics. Geomorphology 398:108037. link
2022 Gailani, J. Z., B. C. Suedel, A. D. McQueen, T. J. Lauth, U. Scheiblechner, and R. Toegel. 2022. Supporting bank and near-bank stabilization and habitat using dredged sediment: Documenting best practices. Technical Report ERDC-TR-22-10. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. link
2022 Kennedy, A. J., M. L. Ballentine, L. R. May, A. Das, A. J. Bednar, C. S. Griggs, M. S. Hull, and M. J. Bortner. 2022. Simplifying complex contaminant mixtures: Selective ammonia adsorption and toxicity reduction using 3D printable polymer–zeolite. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 233:148. link
2022 Lotufo, G.R., J. M. Biedenbach, J. D. Farrar, M. K. Chanov, B. W. Hester, C. R. Warbritton, J. A. Steevens, J. M. Netchaev, A. J. Bednar, and D. W. Moore. 2022. Interlaboratory comparison of three sediment bioaccumulation tests. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41:1260-1275. link
2022 Thorne, S, D. C. Kovacs, J. Z. Gailani, and B. C. Suedel. 2022. Informing the Community Engagement Framework for Natural and Nature-based Projects: An Annotated Review of Leading Stakeholder and Community Engagement Practices. Technical Report ERDC-TR-22-15. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. link
2022 Thorne, S, D. C. Kovacs, J. Z. Gailani, and B. C. Suedel. 2022. A community engagement framework using mental modeling: The Seven Mile Island Innovation Lab community engagement pilot-Phase 1. Technical Report ERDC-TR-22-12. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. link
2021 Kennedy, A. J., Ballentine, M. L., Das, A., Griggs, C. S., Klaus, K. L., and Bortner, M. J. Additive Manufacturing for Contaminants: Ammonia Removal Using 3D Printed Polymer-Zeolite Composites. ACS ES&T Water 2021, 1 (3), 621-629. link
2021 Lotufo, G. R., Melby, N. L., Biedenbach, J. M., Moore, D. W., and Farrar, J. D. Streamlining Freshwater Bioaccumulation Bioassays: Letting the Worms Do the Hard Work. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2021 Jun;40(6):1673-1677. link
2021 McQueen, A. D., Ballentine, M. L., May, L. R., Laber, C. H., Das, A., Bortner, M. J., and Kennedy, A. J. (2021). Photocatalytic Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water by 3D Printed TiO2 Composites. ACS ES&T Water. link
2021 Suedel, B. C., A. D. McQueen, J. L. Wilkens, C. L. Saltus, S. G. Bourne, J. Z. Gailani, J. K. King, and J. M. Corbino. 2021. Beneficial use of dredged sediment as a sustainable practice for restoring coastal marsh habitat. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 18:1162-1173. link
2020 McQueen, A. D., Suedel, B. C., de Jong, C., and Thomsen, F. (2020). Ecological Risk Assessment of Underwater Sounds from Dredging Operations. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 0:1-13. link
2020 McQueen, A. D., Lotufo, G. R., Pickard, S. W., Lenox, A. M., Moore, D. W., von Stackelberg, K., and Suedel, B. C. (2020). Evaluation of dredged sediment for aquatic placement: interpreting contaminant bioaccumulation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192: 277-277. link
2020 Wilkens, J. L., McQueen, A. D., LeMonte, J. J., and Suedel, B. C. (2020). Initial Survey of Microplastics in Bottom Sediments from United States Waterways. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104:15-20. link
2019 Berkowitz J. F., VanZomeren C. M., and Fresard N. D. (2019). Rapid formation of iron sulfides alters soil morphology and chemistry following simulated marsh restoration. Geoderma 351:76-84. link
2019 Kennedy A. J., Thomas W. B., Lauren R. M., Guilherme R. L., Farrar J. D., and Bednar A. J. (2019). Sensitivity of the Marine Calanoid Copepod Pseudodiaptomus pelagicus to Copper, Phenanthrene, and Ammonia. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38:1221-1230. link
2017 Kennedy, A. J., Lindsay, J. H., Biedenbach, J. M., and Harmon, A. R. (2017). Life stage sensitivity of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis to ammonia. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36:89-95. link
2017 Smith, E. R., D'Alessandro, F., Tomasicchio, G. R., and Gailani, J. Z. (2017). Nearshore placement of a sand dredged mound. Coastal Engineering 126:1-10. link
2017 Smith, E. R., Mohr, M. C., and Chader, S. A. (2017). Laboratory experiments on beach change due to nearshore mound placement. Coastal Engineering 121:119-128. link
2017 Suedel, B. C., and Wilkens, J. L. (2017). A flow-through exposure system for evaluating suspended sediments effects on aquatic life. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (119), e54937. link
2017 Suedel, B. C., Wilkens, J. L., and Kennedy, A. J. (2017). Effects of suspended sediment on early life stages of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72:119-131. link
2016 Gailani, J. Z., Lackey, T. C., King Jr, D. B., Bryant, D., Kim, S. C., and Shafer, D. J. (2016). Predicting dredging-associated effects to coral reefs in Apra Harbor, Guam-Part 1: Sediment exposure modeling. Journal of Environmental Management 168:16-26. link
2016 Nelson, D. S., McManus, J., Richmond, R. H., King Jr, D. B., Gailani, J. Z., Lackey, T. C., and Bryant, D. (2016). Predicting dredging-associated effects to coral reefs in Apra Harbor, Guam–Part 2: Potential coral effects. Journal of Environmental Management 168:111-122. link
2015 Bates, M. E., Fox-Lent, C., Seymour, L., Wender, B. A., and Linkov, I. (2015). Life cycle assessment for dredged sediment placement strategies. In The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. link
2015 Kjelland, M. E., Woodley, C. M., Swannack, T. M., and Smith, D. L. (2015). A review of the potential effects of suspended sediment on fishes: potential dredging-related physiological, behavioral, and transgenerational implications. Environment Systems and Decisions 35:334-350. link
2015 Linkov, I., Massey, O., Keisler, J., Rusyn, I., and Hartung, T. (2015). From "weight of evidence" to quantitative data integration using multicriteria decision analysis and Bayesian methods. Altex 32:3. link
2015 Smith, S. J., and Friedrichs, C. T. (2015). Image processing methods for in situ estimation of cohesive sediment floc size, settling velocity, and density. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13:250-264. link
2015 Suedel, B. C., Clarke, J. U., Wilkens, J., Lutz, C. H., and Clarke, D. G. (2015). The effects of a simulated suspended sediment plume on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) survival, growth, and condition. Estuaries and Coasts 38:578-589. link
2015 Tsang, M., Fox‐Lent, C., Wallace, S., Welp, T., Bates, M., and Linkov, I. (2015). Life‐cycle impacts of soybean and algae biodiesel: Case study of US marine vessels. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 9:567-580. link
2015 Wilkens, J. L., Katzenmeyer, A. W., Hahn, N. M., Hoover, J. J., and Suedel, B. C. (2015). Laboratory test of suspended sediment effects on short‐term survival and swimming performance of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, Mitchill, 1815). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31:984-990. link
2014 Barber, P. S., Kelley, S. P., Griggs, C. S., Wallace, S., and Rogers, R. D. (2014). Surface modification of ionic liquid-spun chitin fibers for the extraction of uranium from seawater: seeking the strength of chitin and the chemical functionality of chitosan. Green Chemistry 16:1828-1836. link
2014 Berkowitz, J. F., Summers, E. A., Noble, C. V., White, J. R., and DeLaune, R. D. (2014). Investigation of biogeochemical functional proxies in headwater streams across a range of channel and catchment alterations. Environmental Management 53:534-548. link
2014 Brame, J. A., Kennedy, A. J., Lounds, C. D., Bednar, A. J., Alvarez, P. J., Scott, A. M., and Stanley, J. K. (2014). Influence of carbon and metal oxide nanomaterials on aqueous concentrations of the munition constituents cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) and tungsten. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:1035-1042. link
2014 Chappell, M. A., Seiter, J. M., Bednar, A. J., Price, C. L., Averett, D., Lafferty, B., Tappero, R., Stanley, J. K., Kennedy, A. J., Steevens, J. A., Zhou, P., Morikawa, E., Merchan, G., and Roy, A. (2014). Stability of solid-phase selenium species in fly ash after prolonged submersion in a natural river system. Chemosphere 95:174-181. link
2014 Coleman, J. G., Lotufo, G. R., Kennedy, A. J., Poda, A. R., Rushing, T. S., Ruiz, C. E., and Bridges, T. S. (2014). Testing of various membranes for use in a novel sediment porewater isolation chamber for infaunal invertebrate exposure to PCBs. Chemosphere 106:65-69. link
2014 Collier, Z. A., Bates, M.E., Wood, M.D., and Linkov, I. (2014). Stakeholder engagement in dredged material management decisions. Science of the Total Environment 496:248-256. link
2014 Reine, K. J., Clarke, D., and Dickerson, C. (2014). Characterization of underwater sounds produced by hydraulic and mechanical dredging operations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135:3280-3294. link
2013 Divers, S. J., Boone, S. S., Berliner, A., Kurimo, E. A., Boysen, K. A., Johnson, D. R., Killgore, K. J., George, S.G., and Hoover, J. J. (2013). Nonlethal acquisition of large liver samples from free-ranging river sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus) using single-entry endoscopic biopsy forceps. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:321-331. link
2013 Reine, K., Clarke, D., Ray, G., and Dickerson, C. (2013). Fishery resource utilization of a restored estuarine borrow pit: A beneficial use of dredged material case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 73:115-128. link
2013 Stanley, J. K., Kennedy, A. J., Bednar, A. J., Chappell, M. A., Seiter, J. M., Averett, D. E., and Steevens, J. A. (2013). Impact assessment of dredging to remove coal fly ash at the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil plant using fathead minnow elutriate exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:822-830. link
2013 Webber, A. F., Heath, J. A., and Fischer, R. A. (2013). Human disturbance and stage‐specific habitat requirements influence snowy plover site occupancy during the breeding season. Ecology and Evolution 3:853-863. link
2012 Lackey, T., Gailani, J., Kim, S-C, King D., and Shafer, D. (2012). Transport of resuspended dredged sediment near coral reefs at Apra Harbor, Guam. Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1:99. link
2012 Sparrevik, M., Barton, D. N., Bates, M. E., and Linkov, I. (2012). Use of stochastic multi-criteria decision analysis to support sustainable management of contaminated sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 46:1326-1334. link
2012 Suedel, B. C., Lutz, C. H., Clarke, J. U., and Clarke, D. G. (2012). The effects of suspended sediment on walleye (Sander vitreus) eggs. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12:995-1003. link
2011 Henriksen, J., Randall, R., and Socolofsky, S. (2011). Near-field resuspension model for a cutter suction dredge. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 138:181-191. link
2011 Hoover, J. J., Boysen, K. A., Beard, J. A., and Smith, H. (2011). Assessing the risk of entrainment by cutterhead dredges to juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and juvenile pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27:369-375. link
2011 Hoover, J. J., Collins, J., Boysen, K. A., Katzenmeyer, A. W., and Killgore, K. J. (2011). Critical swimming speeds of adult shovelnose sturgeon in rectilinear and boundary‐layer flow. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27:226-230. link
2011 Smith, S. J. and Friedrichs, C. T. (2011). Size and settling velocities of cohesive flocs and suspended sediment aggregates in a trailing suction hopper dredge plume. Continental Shelf Research 31:S50-S63. link
2010 Alvarez-Guerra, M., Canis, L., Voulvoulis, N., Viguri, J. R., & Linkov, I. (2010). Prioritization of sediment management alternatives using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis. Science of the Total Environment 408:4354-4367. link
2010 Stanley, J. K., Kennedy, A. J., Farrar, J. D., Mount, D. R., and Steevens, J. A. (2010). Evaluation of reduced sediment volume procedures for acute toxicity tests using the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:2769-2776. link
2009 Hoover, J. J., Turnage, A. and Killgore, K. J. (2009). Swimming performance of juvenile paddlefish: quantifying risk of entrainment. Pages 141–155 in C. P. Paukert and G. D. Scholten, editors. Paddlefish management, propagation, and conservation in the 21st century: building from 20 years of research and management. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 66, Bethesda, Maryland. link
2009 Kennedy, A. J., Steevens, J. A., Lotufo, G. R., Farrar, J. D., Reiss, M. R., Kropp, R. K., Doi, J., and Bridges, T. S. (2009). A comparison of acute and chronic toxicity methods for marine sediments. Marine Environmental Research 68:118-127. link
2009 Wilson, S. J., Fredette, T. J., Germano, J. D., Blake, J. A., Neubert, P. L., and Carey, D. A. (2009). Plan-view photos, benthic grabs, and sediment-profile images: using complementary techniques to assess response to seafloor disturbance. Marine Pollution Bulletin 59:26-37. link
2008 Cohen, J. B., Karpanty, S. M., Catlin, D. H., Fraser, J. D., and Fischer, R. A. (2008). Winter ecology of piping plovers at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. Waterbirds 31:472-480. link
2008 Suedel, B. C., Kim, J., Clarke, D. G., and Linkov, I. (2008). A risk-informed decision framework for setting environmental windows for dredging projects. Science of the Total Environment 403:1-11. link
2006 Fredette, T. J. (2006). Why confined aquatic disposal cells often make sense. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management: An International Journal 2:35-38. link
2005 Fredette, T. J. (2005). Application of the dredged material waste assessment guidelines: a case study from the New Haven Harbor, Connecticut, USA. Journal of Dredging Engineering 7: 1-12. link
2005 Sabol, B., Shafer, D., and Lord, E. (2005). Dredging effects on eelgrass in a New England small boat harbor. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 8:57-81. link
2005 Steevens, J. A., Reiss, M. R., and Pawlisz, A. V. (2005). A methodology for deriving tissue residue benchmarks for aquatic biota: A case study for fish exposed to 2, 3, 7, 8‐tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin and equivalents. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management: An International Journal 1:142-151. link
2004 Fredette, T. J., and French, G. T. (2004). Understanding the physical and environmental consequences of dredged material disposal: history in New England and current perspectives. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49:93-102. link
2004 Landrum, P. F., Steevens, J. A., Gossiaux, D. C., McElroy, M., Robinson, S., Begnoche, L., Chernyak, S., and Hickey, J. (2004). Time‐dependent lethal body residues for the toxicity of pentachlorobenzene to Hyalella azteca. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 23:1335-1343. link
1998 Fredette, T. J. (1998). Damos: Twenty Years of Dredged Material Disposal Site Monitoring. Isn't That Enough? Chemistry and Ecology 14: 231-239. link
1995 Ray, G. L., Clarke, D., Wilber, P., and Fredette, T. J. (1995). Wildlife make home on dredged material. Water Environment and Technology 7: 21. link
1993 Kullberg, P. G., and Fredette, T. J. (1993). Management of dredged material capping projects: an example from New England. Water Science and Technology 28:273-281. link
1992 Fredette, T. J., Germano, J. D., Carey, D. A., Murray, P. M., and Kullberg, P. G. (1992). Chemical stability of capped dredged material disposal mounds in Long Island Sound, USA. Chemistry and Ecology 7:173-194. link

Last updated on 12/17/2024.